Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Doin' it right

"Doin' it right / Everybody will be dancing / And we're feeling it right / Everybody will be dancing / And be doin' it right / Everybody will be dancing / When we're feeling all right / Everybody will be dancing tonight / If you do it right / Let it go all night / Shadows on you break / Out into the light / If you lose your way tonight / That's how you know the magic's right"

Ei bine, 28 s-a dus. Sa vina 30! :) Si sa imi aduc aminte de ce a fost 28 atat de frumos:

"Hear say"
"Moments have you", All around you is to feel and watch you
They make patterns to peel the sound
And I find it a pain that goes along
With being in chaos's order
It has fears of you being there rising up
Like who you're introduced to saying goodbye
All again and you're always free now
I didn't fake this so you could fade away
I've been careful to take what I've spent
I remember every end
"The first season", Let the pretend take over
And that season be the first
Shadows we're in become us
So we set up interspersed
Between here and away
Become your space every day
Leave my lonely mind on a shelf
Keep flowing on adrift
I keep holding on to myself
Be humble, take it the slow way
As I'm aloud
Even holding on
My cell of space that holds me
"Within", There are so many things
that I don't understand
There's a world within me
that I cannot explain
Many rooms to explore
but the doors look the same
"Fortune faded", So divine
Hell of an Elevator
All the while my fortune faded
Never mind, the consequences of the crime this time my fortune faded
"Parallel universe", Deep inside of a parallel universe
It's getting harder and harder to tell what came first
Under water where thoughts can breathe easily
Far away you were made in the sea just like me
"Nobody weird like me", The freakiest show I know
Is the show of my own
Living my life in and out
Of the twilight zone
"Mistakes", Mistakes help one see
That you make your own surroundings
Life is a dream
And is made by inwardly seeing what you want it to be
Success has it’s trappings
You judge yourself based on how you think you’re seen
"Lightning bolt", She comes on like a stone
But you don't know where from she was thrown
Like a burning meteor from miles high
Looking for a place to land
She said, "Have you got yourself some sand?"
And whatever you replied, she took as yes
"Your eyes girl", Do you shine like a temple inside
Can I open your core
So gentle and wide
Like your eyes girl
Rack 'em up stretch 'em out
When they're tight
This acetylene torch is giving me sight
War cries girl
"Unreachable", Are we
Down for the same cause
We don't know what we stand for
When the moments start to crack
You do lose track where your head's at
And I am unreachable
One time, hit me where I turn right
I don't mean to be polite
Uniformed, spinning the world to the beat of my drum
"Today", Oh God
I can't be found when I'm dreaming
Words hard
I'm into the sound of their meaning
I am divorced from the image I've created
So many nights and days that are separate from the ages
Thank you for the lessons that I learned while John was sleeping
Whoever it seemed the Creator did the teaching
"Ah Yom", A slave in the fields one night
He's running along
Gets far enough to be a free man
And he's feeling so strong
That's how actions should be
Step after step is our only choice in a walk
When we run at the mouth we jump back and forth
There's only one place I'm going
There's only one destiny
And if my mind tells me otherwise
Then it's a poor guide for me
"Blackeyed blonde", Pumpin' the blood through the heart of New Orleans
She's the mystic heat of the Bourbon Street dream
She's just made out of flesh and bones
But let me tell you little boy you better leave her alone
"Yertle the turtle", On a far away island of Salamasond
I said, Yertle the turtle was king of the pond
A nice little pond, it was clean, it was neat
The water was warm, there was a plenty to eat
Until one day, the king of them all
Decided the kingdom he ruled, was too small
I'm a ruler of all that I see but I don't see enough
And that's the trouble with me
"Johnny, kick a hole in the sky", Kill my trust if you must, but in my blood there is the lust
For life, that's right
Apache blood is in my heart, thrashing through me like a shark
Crashing through the dark

Blue Ocean Floor

"20,000 leagues away, catch up to you on the same day / Travel at the speed of light / Thinking the same thought at the same time / Heart beats at a steady pace / I'll let the rhythm show me the way, no one can find us here / Fade out and disappear"

A trecut ceva vreme de cand nu am scris nimic pe aici. Si mi-a lipsit. Mi-a lipsit sa iti scriu cat de mult insemni pentru mine, cat de mult ma gandesc la tine si cat de mult te visez. Dar pentru acest insistent "cat de mult" am ales cred, cea mai lenta melodie de pe albumul lui Justin. Si am facut-o cu un motiv special si nu intamplator. Am tot amanat acest post pentru ca simteam ca nu am inspiratie, dar nu vreau sa se termine anul fara sa il scriu si fara sa iti spun cat de mult te iubesc.

Stii ca se spune despre apa ca este elementul primordial, ca acopera o suprafata mult mai mare decat pamantul si ca are trei stari de agregare. Ahh, ce sintetic suna! Ti-am zis ca nu am inspiratie :) Insa apa este in acelasi timp si mister si forta. Este un mister pentru toate celulele pline cu povesti si comori pe care le ascunde, este o forta pentru modul in care isi poate schimba forma si starea pentru a cuceri orice tip de incatusare. Este culoare si este viata, este casa si departare. Este culoare pentru ca pacaleste soarele si ii fura razele doar pentru a le tine captive si a le deposeda de caldura si lumina. Este viata pentru oameni, dar si pentru lumea noastra. Este casa pentru toate povestile marinarilor si este departare pentru toate familiile lor. Apa reprezinta infinitul spus oamenilor, iar oceanul, ei bine, oceanul este cel care da limitele acelui univers. Am ales melodia asta pentru ca de multe ori m-am trezit deconectat de la realitate, plutind in oceanul acestei melodii care mi se revarsa din casti. Si m-am trezit deconectat de la realitate intr-o lume in care eram doar noi doi sub adancul oceanului, imbratisati si ascunsi de lumea pe care o stim, feriti de tipare, de bucle, de imaginea pe care o proiectam in exterior, de imaginea perceputa de cei din jurul nostru, departe de granitele fizice ale tuturor lucrurilor. Era oceanul tot care ne veghea in locul cerului, pentru ca visele sa nu se mai risipeasca printre stele. Si da, canta melodia asta lenta, ca o planeta care se stinge usor, dar care nu dispare niciodata. Si stii de ce oceanul ne ascundea? Ne ascundea de culoarea neagra. Nu exista decat acel albastru care inspira nemarginire, acel albastru cu nuante infinite pe care te racesti cu privirea la nesfarsit, fermecat ca irisul de un caleidoscop, asteptand forme si culori noi le fiecare clipire. Acel ocean... Tu! Tu esti oceanul in care ma descompun si ma recompun, tu esti cea care imbratiseaza si ma fereste de cerul unei lumi care si-a pierdut soarele si pe al carei cer straluceste doar negrul noptii. Fragmente de timp pierdute, nerostite, ruginite, pe toate le regasesc atunci cand suntem impreuna pe o mare noua si fugim de tarm. E un mod ciudat cum te regasesc din nou pe apa sarata, dupa ce am facut-o si in Song To The Siren. Mai conteaza oare ca esti "pesti"? :) Este un perete invizibil care tine momentul nostru invizibil. Respir sub apa, sunt nicaieri si peste tot, nu ma opresc din a te privi. Te iubesc!

Maine se termina si doi zero unu trei si ma bucur ca am reusit sa impart cu tine acest post la care ma gandeam de multa vreme si pe care il simteam prins dupa gratiile gandurilor mele. Am privit impreuna cum locurile superbe pe care le-am cuprins cu energia noastra au fost ambalate in poze si decojite apoi de ochi flamanzi, am ras si ne-am iubit ca si cum ne-am fi ascuns sub un ocean... Atat de albastru...

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Fuck buddy

Chitara este amanta perfecta. Este "your ex" transformata in sex buddy. Te asteapta cuminte, stie ca te are inca in vraja ei si tu stii ca o doresti. Stie ce iti place si nu ii e frica atunci cand o pui deoparte. Ai incredere in ea si iti e frica atunci cand altcineva o viziteaza. Nu conteaza ca e tarziu sau devreme, ea te asteapta mereu pregatita. Depinde doar de tine sa fii la inaltime. Ca orice amanta iti cere doar timp, pasiune si rabdare. Chitara este ...