"What planet are you from, girl?
And are there others like you there?
And could you do that magic trick again?
Poppin' up from nowhere
Though my planet's full of warfare
You make it feel like a dream
Man I hope they never find you
I think you are a lost queen
Let me serve you, serve you
Hot sex and gold, shiny things
I think you are a lost queen
Let me serve you, serve you
Remind you that you are a lost queen
I think you are a lost queen
I don't have a problem with multi-taskin'
Takin' care of you is my number one passion
Put it before my eyes, you know I'ma smash it
Only if you want it, want it
You don't have to ever think about askin'
I can read your mind, girl, of course I have it
Can I start you up? It's automatic
Get your motor runnin', runnin', vroom-vroom
I'm never too busy to tell you that you're pretty
Ain't gotta ask me to
Surprise you in the city when your day is goin' shitty
Ain't gotta ask me to
What planet are you from, girl?
And are there others like you there?
And could you do that magic trick again?
Poppin' up from nowhere
Though my planet's full of warfare
You make it feel like a dream
Man I hope they never find you
I think you are a lost queen
Let me serve you, serve you
Hot sex and gold, shiny things
I think you are a lost queen
Let me serve you, serve you
Remind you that you are a lost queen
I think you are a lost queen
I don't need momma and daddy
Honey and sugar, man I bet they're so classy
Half of me is good, the other half nasty
Can't help it if I want it, want it
Sure I meet your friends on my best behavior
Talk about relationships, I used to be a player
And like Geico, the time I saved 'em
And get their motors runnin', runnin', vroom-vroom
Lift your head when you're down so you don't drop your crown
Ain't gotta ask me to
And right before we finish, I'll ask you did you get it
Ain't gotta ask me to
What planet are you from, girl?
And are there others like you there?
And could you do that magic trick again?
Poppin' up from nowhere
Though my planet's full of warfare
You make it feel like a dream
Man I hope they never find you
I think you are a lost queen
Let me serve you, serve you
Hot sex and gold, shiny things
I think you are a lost queen
Let me serve you, serve you
Remind you that you are a lost queen
I think you are a lost queen"
Iti scriu aceste randuri astazi, in timp ce ma gandesc la tine si la cat de fericit sunt pentru ca ma pot bucura alaturi de tine de ziua asta. Stiu ca multi iti vor spune, dar eu vreau sa iti scriu acest "la multi ani!". Si o fac pentru ca astazi, mai mult ca oricand, vreau sa nu mai simti faptul ca esti o "regina ratacita" in lume, ci unica regina. Imi gasesc cu greu cuvintele pentru ca nu mai stiu unde te opresti tu si unde incepem noi, unde pot vorbi despre o zi si nu despre un sentiment. Ceea ce pentru altii este doar o zi, pentru mine este un sentiment de bucurie, de completare, de intregire. Nu stiu de unde te-ai ratacit si de ce te-ai oprit in aceasta lume, dar stiu ca fiecare spectru al existentei danseaza astazi de bucurie, o bucurie a echilibrului pe care l-ai dat lumilor. Stiai ca atunci cand zambesti orizontul pare tangibil, cerul devine pamantul de sub picioare si curcubeul devine parfumul tau? Nu stiu daca cineva a avut curaj sa iti spuna asta pana acum, dar ma bucur ca eu am fost primul care a scris-o. Nu uit ca o zi ramane doar in granita celor douazeci si patru de ore, dar vreau sa stii ca aceasta postare este scrisa si citita la nesfarsit in interiorul meu. De aceea cred ca esti un sentiment care leaga secundele una de alta si topeste zilele in care nu suntem alaturi. Astazi, alaturi de tine, vreau sa ma simt ca si cum "Two of us were made of angel's dust" (adu-ti aminte de Warm Tape in Lefkada, vara trecuta). La multi ani! Te iubesc!