Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Some ghosts in my mind

" ...Hillel asked me, 'Would you still like the Chilis if they got so popular they played the Forum?' I said, 'No. It would ruin the whole thing. That's great about the band, the audience feels no different from the band at all.' There was this real kind of historical vibe at their shows, none of the frustration that runs through the audience when they jump around and can't get out of their seat. I didn't even watch the shows. I'd get so excited that I'd flip around the slam pit the whole time. I really felt like a part of the band, and all the sensitive people in the audience did too."


"Well, we would dream, you know...? We would dream and we would talk about what we wanted to do. And we would talk about girls and music and... You know, Hillel wanted to be a rockstar. I didn't even know what that was, I was like 'Whatever you wanna do, man... I'm coming with you! I'm right with you, my friend!'"


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